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Selectmen's Minutes August 23, 1995
      Selectmen's Meeting at the Water Commissioners' Meeting
                         August 23, 1995 Minutes

Present: Judith Murdoch and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  

Water Commissioners: John Currie, Phyliss Bickford, Thomas Dahlberg, Robert Andrews, Donald Morway with Ed Reed, Water Superintendent.

The meeting began at 7:50pm.  More detailed minutes taken by Water Commissioners. The purpose of this meeting is to have Selectmen updated on avenues of exploration for new water sources and to understand concept of water bank uses and water moratorium constraints.

       Currie noted that Water Commissioners have been exploring options with other towns and have been negotiating with Brockton for water bank usage.  It was noted that a long-range commitment would not satisfy moratorium - a second source of water is needed.  No band-aid approaches allowed to satisfy DEP.

        Golf Course property: Commissioners want to access property to check out several site possibilities.  This property was originally passed over because the Clark Property is definitely better.  This Main Street/Indian Head Street site(s) might also be a dual purpose - well site and athletic fields.  Nugent cautioned them based on his conversations with the bank.  Commissioners stated they and the attorneys are in touch with
the bank and its attorney on this project.

        Other options: Halifax is not interested in providing water beyond the agreement already in place;  Commissioners will continue with the Bed Rock Program under CDM guidance; Considering the expansion of the present well field; regionalization is also a long-range consideration.

        Commissioners foresee requesting the transfer of monies ($75,000 - 125,000) at the 1995 October Special Town Meeting for further exploration and will look to present a variety of options to the townspeople at the May, 1996 Annual Town Meeting.

       Kuchinski, Murdoch and Nugent left the Water Commissioners meeting at 9:35pm.